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Chief Executive Officer

Shelbia Carter Wiley is married with two children and five grandchildren.  She holds an Associate degree in Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Christian Counseling), M.S. in Education with a concentration in Leadership in Educational Administration and an Advanced degree in Theology.  Shelbia is a member of the Coastal Region Human Trafficking Taskforce and serves as the co-chair for the Interfaith Committee of Horry and Georgetown counties. 


She is the Executive Director of Engaging Minds Services, Inc., a nonprofit that focuses on providing services for victims of human trafficking and abuse.  Through collaboration, relationship building, and mentorship, she has put together a team that focuses on providing best practices for survivors of human trafficking.  Her team is in the process of building a safehouse for survivors of human trafficking.  


Shelbia is an author of two books, Mental Exoneration and Don’t Touch My Golden Parts. She is a Special Education teacher in the Horry County Schools and a Teaching Associate at Coastal Carolina University.

Shelbia Wiley: Meet the Team
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